Thursday 14 June 2007

Tractor Time!

Today I comped the field background with Jim's new animation of Monster Kid playing around with a tractor. I had to reposition some of the hills, the rocks and bushes on the left to accomodate the animation and give a sense of distance. I also had to make the curve of the field smoother, where the hills meet the field.

I added motion blur to this animation which bumped up the render time considerably. The animation will still need to be re-rendered as Jim needs to add some animation tweaks and I need to add daisies to the hill and a rock texture.

Monster Kid Tractor Time from Matt Beale on Vimeo


Michael said...

That's very nice animation there, Matt.

Matt Beale said...

Hi Mike, Jim Bending is doing all of the animation. I just rendered and composited it. He's doing a good job