Sunday 10 June 2007

Sulky Monster Kid Z-depth test render

Here's a little test render of Z-depth, allowing us to play around with the depth of field . Rendering out a Depth Channel is a simple case of ticking the Depth Channel box in the Maya render global settings. However, this is Maya and nothing is ever this simple! Maya exports the Depth Channel as separate IFF files.. which Adobe After Effects (and I suspect every other programme except Maya) cannot read! Handy as this is.. I have had to re-save out each render image (by hand) as RLA files, which AE likes. I'm not looking forward to the hundreds of frames coming my way.

To get the depth of field channel working in AE I had to multiply the RLA files with the TGA renders and then play around with the Compound Blur effect.

The Z-depth renders look like this:

and is multiplied with the TGA images that look like this:

Tweak the brightness/contrast/compound blur and a few others things and...

Hopefully you can see that Monster Kids head is more in focus than his colouring book, toy car and the daisies in the background.

Monster Kid sulking from Matt Beale on Vimeo

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